Riding the AI Merry-Go-Round: AlixPartners’ view on 2024 Tech Industry’s Software Layoff Wave

14 August 2024

The tech industry’s layoff wave continues this summer, with software-related personnel reductions recently announced at several hardware, software, semiconductor, and security companies—including actions at major players such as Dell, Intel, and Cisco. 

AlixPartners is issuing the following statement on this trend: 

“Today’s business environment is nuanced and subject to several disruptive forces shaping the tech landscape and broader economy. AlixPartners predicts more workforce reductions will take place in coming months, not because of cyclical adjustments, but rather as the manifestation of structural changes taking place in real time that are designed to position and prepare the entire industry for the proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI).  

In a recent survey of tech executives conducted by AlixPartners, 83% of the nearly 350 respondents identified AI as having the most potential to radically disrupt their operating structure, delivery model, and commercial construct. Despite AI being a force for growth, executives are utilizing immediate cost-reduction actions to pave the way for long-term top-line expansion. These factors are at play: 

  • Embedding AI into product offerings and internal processes requires investment at a time when access to capital is still limited and expensive. The need to self-fund these investments is pushing companies to reduce costs in other areas. 

  • There is an expectation that AI will not just enable top-line growth, but also help automate and simplify internal processes and make tech companies more efficient. This gives an incentive to front-load some of the efficiency gains and use cost reduction as a forcing function to streamline processes. 

  • Pressured by macroeconomic uncertainty, customers are drastically reducing expenditures and investments in technology solutions and reprioritizing fixed IT budgets to better emphasize AI investment. This creates headwinds for tech vendors, driving short-term cost reductions to preserve profitability. 

Tech companies are eager to jump on the AI bandwagon. But for most—with only a few notable exceptions—it is looking more like an AI merry-go-round bringing companies back to the same cost-reduction actions we have seen in the past. Companies are accelerating transformation, restructuring, and efficiency improvement efforts without certainty on when—or if—the payback will arrive.  

Do not expect this structural transformation to end any time soon. We believe there are more layoffs and increasing disruption on the horizon.” 

For media requests, please contact John Stoll: john.stoll@alixpartners.com

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