Leveraging more than 30 years of experience in industry and consulting, Jon Hanover has a strong record of helping companies substantially improve operational performance and drive savings through improved processes and direct actions.

By quickly identifying and quantifying areas of opportunity for clients, coupled with a straightforward and cost-effective approach to extracting the value from the opportunity, Jon delivers significant top- and bottom-line improvement for clients. Often, those improvements ensue from his ability to see cross-functional inefficiencies and drive organizational change across multiple departments.

Working with many stakeholders to achieve the stated objective, Jon has led a number of very large transformation efforts for clients driving the organization to exceed expectations.

Jon has focused his work primarily in food and beverage, consumer products, foodservice distribution, and related service and manufacturing companies.

Key Engagements:

  • Led the carve out of three global cosmetic brands from a large multi-national including setting up the new global company’s structure and functions.  This work encompassed pre-close and post-close activities for supply chain, advertising and promotion, organization design and back-office functionality.  Executed significant cost savings in first 90 days post close via analysis and reduction of underperforming marketing/advertising spend, headcount and other indirect spend.
  • Led a $300+M EBITDA improvement program for a large diversified chemical company in response to an activist investor driving  procurement, supply chain, inventory, and operations across four divisions, over 75 plants and multiple contract manufacturers.
  • Drove overhead savings of over 7% for a privately held $200M vertically integrated fruit processor with juicing, blow-molding, bottling and processing operations via elimination of unnecessary work, outsourcing seasonal work and utilizing sister company resources.
  • Designed and drove a wide range of projects through a consumer product supply chain organization to reduce inventory (by over 13%), improve service level (reduce case fill misses by 50%) and reduce the departmental cost via distribution realignment, functional reorganization and headcount reduction (15%)